Home > News > Student Fee Refund > Notify the list of graduates whose bank is unable to transfer money back for damage insurance on April 28, 2023.
Notify the list of graduates whose bank is unable to transfer money back for damage insurance on April 28, 2023.

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2023-04-28 11:51:29

Notify the list of graduates whose bank is unable to transfer money back for damage insurance on April 28, 2023.

List of students who do not register for PromptPay.pdf

Students are requested to complete corrections.

**The money will be transferred to the Prompt Pay account registered with the ID card number only.

*** The list will be announced and notified when it will be returned in advance. After the insurance has been refunded within 15 working days after the first graduate registration fee has been paid. If the student has a list of notification status not tied to Promt Pay by ID card number will proceed the next return
once a month